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How Do Professionals Clean Floors?

How Do Professionals Clean Floors?

Floors are so diverse in many ways, but they share something in common: they all require proper floor care. Whether it is your small apartment or a large office building, the floor gets dirty constantly, which is why floor cleaning is a must and doing it correctly a plus.

Floorcare is more complex than it seems, but an expert on the matter knows how to handle it. Here is where professional floor cleaning kicks in. We cover how they do it and why it is best to have a professional clean your floors on this blog.

What Happens If You Clean Floors Incorrectly?

We see a lot of advice online on “the right way to clean floors,” and with all due reason. There is a vast selection of flooring materials in the market, and each of them requires special care. But does it make a difference? Absolutely.

A small mistake may not seem significant. But what if we told you that using the wrong vacuum settings on a wood floor may cause scratches, or using a colored cleaner on your tiles can cause staining? These and many more floor cleaning mistakes could damage them and lead to higher repair and replacement costs.

Since floor cleaning affects your floors to such an extent, you may ask yourself, what is the best way to clean floors? Professional floor cleaning tackles this at its core because they are meant to provide the proper floor care.

How Do Professionals Clean Floors?

Professional floor cleaning involves an entire process and a lot of knowledge. You can tell it is worth it by seeing its results. We will explain “How do professionals clean floors?”, so you can see the difference it makes: 

Using The Right Prep & Planning

There is much work for floor cleaning, particularly at a commercial scale, even before the actual cleaning. Several factors come into play that many wouldn’t consider. 

Prep work, for instance, can take care of applying floor sealants to prevent floor damage. On expert floor cleaning, it all starts with planning. For example, suppose you hire janitorial services. In that case, the cleaning staff will review the entire facility first to develop an appropriate cleaning plan. 

It is an error to assume that all you will be cleaning in commercial facilities is dust and a couple of occasional mud. Each type of commercial property has its demands. These are so diverse that prepping and planning are always a must.

Selecting The Proper Tools & Equipment

Using ammonia on wood floors would not end well. Having additional issues and expenses to remediate is no fun, especially in your home. Floors can get ruined by using the wrong supplies, and this is why part of the duty in professional cleaning services is to select and count on the right supplies.

You’d be surprised about the diversity of floor cleaning products that are for floor cleaning. It can go from your average detergent to mop treatments, strippers, and neutralizers, depending on several factors. Additionally, a crucial safety aspect nowadays for occupants is using green cleaning products only. Floor cleaning companies should implement this measure, as we do at Bethel Cleaning Services.

Tools and equipment are also carefully selected for the different flooring types and needs. There are different types of mops, vacuums, steamers, buffers, and such. Each of these has its unique function. A professional can determine which ones they should use and operate them correctly not to damage floors.

Using the Right Techniques

The technique is a critical factor that sets apart professional floor cleaning. Floor cleaning techniques vary with the type of floors, but expert floor cleaners have acquired the knowledge to handle them. Whether the classic residential floors to the industrial classes, every kind of flooring requires a particular cleaning technique like mopping, using microfiber cloths, applying sealants, etc. All of these are covered by professional floor cleaning.

Ensuring Routine & Deep Cleaning

For optimum results, floor cleaning professionals divide cleaning tasks depending on the frequency they have to be performed. Dividing cleaning tasks give better control and ensure your floors receive the proper care when needed.

Routine floor cleaning may include daily dusting, mopping, and the occasional scraping. Floors can be deep cleaned as well but not as repeatedly. Deep cleaning floors may consist of special care like floor waxing and buffing to make them appear cleaner and shinier. We also do this here at Bethel Cleaning Service.

Looking For The Best Way To Clean Your Floors?

Now you can see professional floor cleaning can go a long way, whether you own a residential or commercial facility. At Bethel Cleaning Service, we provide expert floor care services to assist you with it. Our solutions are reliable because we ensure to cover every detail for proper floor cleaning.

Contact us for further assistance!

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