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Carpet Cleaning Services

At Bethel Cleaning Servcies. We have equipment that allows us to check your carpet for damage before we clean it. We use several techniques to clean wall-to-wall carpeting and area rugs, such as deep steam carpet cleaning and dry carpet cleaning

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How To Keep Floors Clean With Dogs?

How to keep floors clean with dogs?

Pets are a wonderful company, but they have a bad reputation for being messy. It appears like your four-legged buddy is constantly creating a mess someplace, whether it is fur mounds, muddy paw prints, or dropped water bowls. While I’d want to report that we are strict dog parents who have taught our dogs to stay off of furniture, our home is a happier place with pets. But in actuality, our dog is in charge. But unlike the rest of your family, dogs regularly shed a lot of hair that, if not controlled, tends to get everywhere. Fortunately, it’s not as tough as you may imagine to maintain a pristine home even if you have a dog. Here are a few recommendations.

  • Keep up with your grooming:

Less hair on your floor and other surfaces mean less hair blowing off your dog. Brushing your dog every day is an efficient strategy to lessen shedding, regardless of whether it has long or short hair. Also, think about utilizing a deshedder. To lessen the amount of fur flying about during grooming, try to brush your dog outside. Use a porch or create a tiny room to groom yourself if this isn’t possible. Depending on the breed, most dogs should not be bathed more than once a month, although you can use water alone, dog wipes, or waterless shampoo instead.

  • After walks, clean up your pet:

Dogs might track in dirt and muck from outside, so develop a grooming routine after every walk. At your front door, start by placing a sturdy doormat. Before you enter, clean muddy paws with an old towel, some wet wipes, and a spray bottle. If your home has a laundry room, you may also go in here to clean the mud or dirt off your dog’s paws to prevent a mess from being tracked throughout the house. If your dog gets wet while out for a walk in the rain, dry him off with a towel and keep him in a room with a floor that is simple to clean until he is entirely dry.

  • Create a Pet-Free Yard:

Some dogs enjoy spending their free time outside, chasing after squirrels as they scamper around the yard. These trails can become muddy and trodden over time, and unless you’ve taught your adorable Ollie to wipe his feet before entering the home, he’ll probably carry that muck with him. Here are some suggestions for how to improve the low-lying or weathered areas of your yard:

  1. Fill up low areas with mulch or rocks.
  2. Use stepping stones and filler plants to cover muddy paths.
  3. Re-sod your yard’s worn-out spots.
  4. Put up barriers to stop your pets from entering wet areas.
  • Maintain the Food and Water Area for Your Pet:

You don’t reuse the same dish and cup before washing them, do you? Your pets should ideally follow the same rules, so you should wash their dishes every day. While you’re at it, once a week, clean the baseboards, walls, and floors surrounding your cat and dog’s dining area. Then, put a mat under the food and water bowls to prevent spills and leaks.

  • Purchase a pet vacuum cleaner:

Make it a point to buy a vacuum cleaner that is intended for people with pets. The vacuum should have powerful suction to remove dog hair. Additionally, some versions offer steam cleaning or mopping, which can aid in sanitization and the elimination of odors and stains. Some vacuums for pets can also clean furniture. To avoid a buildup of dog hair and dander, you should also make a point of completing a short clean each day. Clean floors should be achieved with just a short sweep with an electrostatic broom and deeper vacuuming once a week.

  • Use Quality Floor-Cleaning Supplies:

A decent electrostatic broom and a vacuum cleaner made for pets are your best allies when it comes to cleaning floors when you have pets. The best tools for getting rid of pet hair from your house are those mentioned above. Adopt a short daily floor-cleaning regimen in places with high traffic to prevent pet hair from getting into every crevice and crevice. Then, at least once a week, sweep and vacuum the remainder of the house.

  • Rugs for indoor and outdoor use:

There are lovely indoor-outdoor rugs that you may use indoors. You may put them anywhere your dog likes to hang out, such as in front of the sofa, under the dining room table, or in front of any entrance to serve as doormats. These rugs have the advantage that spills may be cleaned up quickly with a damp cloth because they won’t soak in. You might also consider covering your area in carpet tiles. Instead of replacing the entire carpet if a stain is too tough to clean, just replace that one tile.

Keep Floors Clean with Dogs

For Carpets:

To get rid of pet hair, drag your hand across the carpet while wearing a rubber glove (be careful not to run out of gloves!). This tip will help you save time when vacuuming, but because rugs are composed of fabric, you should use the other methods listed below if yours is one of them. Another choice is to turn the inside of an old pair of pantyhose (or knee highs)! After that, place them over your hands to wipe away any dirt, fur, or other pet stains that may have accumulated on the surface. This will get rid of any dirt on your carpets!

For Rugs:

Wash them in a solution of water and baking soda to get rid of any odors. The best thing is that you can use this technique to clean furniture as well! It may irritate your skin if not applied properly, thus we advise wearing some rubber gloves. And always double-check the directions before proceeding to prevent accidents. Remember to finish by vacuuming, thoroughly drying it, and allowing the rug to air dry away from direct sunlight, which could remove colorfast, in a spacious area outside or over a door frame.

For Hardwood Floors:

Pour baking soda on the stain (it absorbs spills), wipe up any leftover substance using paper towels, and then vacuum the area once it has dried! If stains are still present, mix equal parts vinegar and water, then apply to the area for 15 minutes. After that period of time, remove the solution with paper towels or an old rag to ensure that no vinegar odor is left behind. The nice thing about these substances is that they won’t damage hardwood floor finishes like lacquers and varnishes.

For Tiles:

Be sure to thoroughly vacuum before using the same procedure as for linoleum. Use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water if your dog becomes sick and accidents on these sorts of floors so that the bacteria will be killed. But once more, before attempting anything novel or unconventional, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. Since each type of flooring is composed of a distinct substance, some are easier to clean than others because they don’t all require the same cleaning supplies. Others, on the other hand, could quickly harm finishes like lacquers and varnishes if done incorrectly. Last but not least, remember to consider crate training if accidents happen frequently.

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