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Green Apartment Cleaning Practices To Celebrate Earth Day

Green Apartment Cleaning Practices to Celebrate Earth Day

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Happy Earth Day! Today thousands of people across the globe join efforts to support environmental protection. At Bethel Cleaning Services, we are joining too by sharing some tremendous everyday green apartment cleaning or house cleaning practices.

 If you’d like to celebrate earth day, you can do that too with this list we’ve put together. Remember that every action counts!

The Smart Way of Cleaning: Green Apartment Cleaning & Home Cleaning

Health and protecting the environment are two essential things for everyone. The thing is, they go hand in hand. We understand how hard it can be to keep up with both simultaneously, but it is not impossible! Eco-friendly cleaning alternatives are more advanced, and slowly but surely, we find better ways to care for the environment.

If you’d like to start implementing some of these at home, here are some green apartment cleaning practices you can try:

When thinking about green apartment cleaning, less is more. Did you know that ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and such can have multiple cleaning applications?

There is no need to overcomplicate things. Using multipurpose cleaners will simplify your green apartment cleaning routine. Sometimes you may require additional products, and there is no shame in doing that! Still, for routine cleaning, a single product can work wonders and help you tackle the daily dirtiness.

Some of the best options for multipurpose cleaners are certified green cleaning products from environmentally conscious brands or DIY cleaners. You can learn about green cleaning products in another blog. 

Reuse & Recycle

Apart from reducing the number of cleaning products and tools you require, you can take advantage of your empty containers to store DIY cleaning products. They could also be great for keeping a small amount of a cleaning product at hand if you purchase in bulk.

Let’s say you are about to run out of your old window cleaner. To transition to a greener alternative, you can reuse the spray bottle for ease of use. Fantastic.

Bulk Shopping

Suppose you have the chance of getting your favorite cleaning products in bulk. Go for it! It is an excellent green apartment cleaning practice to save the environment AND money. Products that come in concentrates, for instance, will last for a good while.

 To begin with, it’s also important to note where you are getting your products. Reducing your carbon footprint is also a great idea to keep on the radar. Bulk shops are great for getting your DIY cleaning supply ingredients. You can get everything you need and reduce wasteful packaging!

Energy-Efficient Equipment

Suppose you require more heavy-duty equipment such as vacuums and scrubbing machines. In that case, you can still find eco-friendly alternatives for green apartment cleaning. Nowadays, you have product options that are water and energy-efficient. It allows for reduced water consumption, noise, energy use, and low CO2 emissions.

Avoid Single-Use Tools & Products

Specific reusable alternatives for green apartment cleaning like brushes may seem like a more considerable upfront investment. Still, the key is to find excellent quality ones to have a longer duration, and you won’t have to be continuously re-purchasing. Look for quality, not quantity.

Give products like reusable cloths, scrubs, brushes a try, and you’ll see that you can clean with efficiency without excessive waste.

Do you know of other green apartment cleaning or house cleaning practices? Make sure to share them here so we can spread environmental action! Stick around for more cleaning tips from Bethel Cleaning Services, your reliable cleaning company in Dallas, Fort Worth.

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